Saturday, July 23, 2011

Revive holds first event of it's Camera Obscura Series - "The Arab Spring"

Revive – an NGO formed on 8th March 2011 to promote arts and social sciences in the country – held the first of it's series of lectures aimed at secondary and higher secondary schools focusing on global contemporary issues. The series kicked off with the Arab Spring and popular revolutions in the Middle East. 

Participants were provided with a historical account of events leading up to the revolutions and the outcomes and future implications of the revolutions in the region. The lecture was given by Ahmed Abdhullah Saeed, Assistant Editor of Haveeru News.

‘We hope to continue the series with current and pressing issues in the contemporary world, particularly those affecting the youth and we are very happy with the feedback we got from the students and will improve future series according to the students suggestions,’ said Mariyam Suha, President of Revive.

‘This is a stream that has been neglected for a long time now, it is good then that there is an NGO working for its improvement,’ added a former arts student and member of Revive, Midhath Rasheed.

Revive would like to thank all members who were involved in organizing this event and to Mr. Ahmed Abdhullah Saeed for his wonderful lecture. We also would like to appreciate the students for their participation and suggestions

Revive further intends to work closely with students and teachers to promote a conducive environment for the arts and social sciences in the schools and  has several plans in the pipe. 

If you want to get more information  or have any suggestions feel free to contact us by email on